Mabel Katz
4 min readOct 24, 2019

We are living at a time when many people believe that humanity’s future on our planet is at risk. More and more people are feeling the weight of these heavy times, and not just global stress, but personal stress as well — financial challenges, illness, loneliness, depression, lack of purpose. We’re a struggling planet seeking to find our way, both as citizens of the earth, and members in the small world we call home. In short, we are looking for peace and happiness.

More than that, we are looking for answers.

Of course, there is no shortage of people who will happily offer you their own unique brand of help, usually offered as a step by step journey that will guarantee you will get from A to Z in X amount of time. While well-meaning for sure, I have found that the more potent answer lies not in so much a journey, but as a divine pause — a suspension of mind and thought that would allow us to return to the fullness of the Present Moment. I call this a return to our natural state of Zero — the limitless state that comes when we live in the Now — present, conscious, free of judgment — allowing our hearts to open to the wisdom that already lives within each of us.

It is the core of my Zero Frequency® Program, which is dedicated to helping others wake up and realize their potential and who they are — happy, peaceful, abundant…



Mabel Katz

Author & Speaker. Peace Ambassador. Leading Authority on Ho’oponopono / Autora & Oradora. Embajadora de Paz. Principal Autoridad en Ho’oponopono.