Mabel Katz
4 min readJun 18, 2019


“Lose the mind and gain consciousness and you are mature. Die to the past and be born to the present and you are mature. Maturity is living in the present, fully alert and aware of all the beauty and the splendor of existence.” — Osho

Ah, getting older. It is a subject I have always loved to talk about. It’s interesting how your thoughts will change on the subject, too. I remember when I was young, and I thought a man of 40 was old. Now, passed 60, I feel my life is just beginning. Finding spirituality rejuvenated me inside and out, while also bringing a youthfulness that is only possible when you connect with that deeper sense of who you are. It is why I highly recommend everybody to live in Zero Frequency®, aware, present, and forever youthful.

Gray hair and wrinkles, although many do not like them, are natural signs in our body. They show years of experiences in our lives. They are the consequence of the passing of time; the decisions we’ve made; the successes we’ve enjoyed; the failures we’ve overcome; and all the truths and mistruths we’ve adopted along the way.

But all of this is just the physical part — what we see on the outside. It’s not what matters. What matters is what we carry on the inside. You see, there is a difference between getting older in years and becoming older in spirit.

Aging is not an ending or a reason to be grumpy, or an excuse to give up on life. On the contrary, maturity, experience, and wisdom should help us to live more in that natural equilibrium (Zero Frequency®), and it should not necessarily diminish our physical or mental faculties. On the contrary, it should increase the desire to smile and live fully.

We must transform the way we age by keeping our mind and soul young. We can start by releasing the past and no longer worrying about the future. The goal of aging (and all of life) is to live more in the present — thankful for the privilege of life. Of course, we can only do this if we let go of our negative mentality and maintain a positive and grateful attitude. If we do this, the universe will become our ally, at which point there will be no pain or physical ailment which will prevent us from being happy and at peace.

According to a study carried out by the University of California, happiness in old age depends more on a positive attitude than a good physical condition. It is very curious, because all the participants had serious health problems, but most of them said they had a good quality of life. The most surprising thing was that the most optimistic volunteers did not always coincide with those who had better health.

How can we achieve a full and happy life as a Senior? Here are 10 tips to get you started.

  1. Live in the present — appreciate what you have instead of concentrating on what you think you lack.
  2. Embrace, love, and accept yourself as you are — you don’t have to be perfect.
  3. Learn to forgive and forgive others. Don’t hold a grudge against anyone, or yourself. Forgiveness liberates you and makes you focus on what is truly valuable — YOU.
  4. Accept others as they are. Don’t try to change or impose your point of view on others. Don’t take things personally. It doesn’t matter who’s right.
  5. Say thank you. Thank you for every day of life and every little thing. Everything is perfect. There is always a blessing behind every problem.
  6. Don’t feel sorry for your illnesses and ailments. Don’t spend precious moments being bitter or constantly talking about what you don’t have. Remember, what you resist, persists. Having a positive attitude is the key to being happy.
  7. Exercise. Don’t stay home all day; go out for a walk. And while you’re at it, don’t give yourself much time to think. To think or feel depressed is to live in the past. To worry is to live in the future.
  8. Connect with and enjoy nature. Hug a tree, caress the flowers, bathe yourself in the sun. It will fill you with energy, which will bring you healing.
  9. Don’t be afraid of loneliness. You’re never alone. God is always with you. And it’s fun to spend time with God. When you do spend time with your loved ones and friends, enjoy that time. BE with them. And always pass on your wisdom.
  10. Interact only with people who raise your energy. Don’t waste your energy or valuable time with negative people. And if you do have to be around negative people, don’t let their negativity affect you.

Above all things, do not be afraid of death. Remember you’re not a body, you’re here temporarily. Death is simply coming HOME. Have fun. Let go. Trust.

And then sit back and enjoy your beautiful second half of life.



Mabel Katz
Mabel Katz

Written by Mabel Katz

Author & Speaker. Peace Ambassador. Leading Authority on Ho’oponopono / Autora & Oradora. Embajadora de Paz. Principal Autoridad en Ho’oponopono.

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