Member-only story
As a lifelong practitioner and leading authority on Ho’oponopono, the ancient Hawaiian art of problem-solving, I have dedicated my life in support of world peace, along with the simple idea that, in today’s uncertain and volatile world, we need to bring more awareness and love to the world. Peace is no longer an option. The survival of our planet depends on our ability to spread peace in the world.
In pursuit of this mission, I have traveled all over the world, speaking to small and large groups alike, young and old. I have spoken in small community centers and large auditoriums. I have spoken inside corporations, in schools, and in prisons. I have spoken (and will continue to speak) to anyone whose heart is open to the truth that will set them free and allow them to discover their true Divinity.
This message is at the core of my Zero Frequency® Program, which is dedicated to helping others wake up and realize their potential and who they are — happy, peaceful, abundant, and fully conscious. Zero Frequency is our pathway back to our true essence, our road to peace.
Among my travels, I have also had the good fortune to speak in front of national senates and other influential government bodies, plus I launched my Word Peace Campaign, Peace within is world peace, at the United Nations in Vienna. I have always had a soft spot for the…